quinoa porridge

Serves: 3-4  
Preparation Time: 15 mins

Before I share my love for this quinoa porridge recipe, let me tell you why I I L.O.V.E quinoa (keen-wah) like I do:

  • It's versatility - makes great breakfasts, lunches and dinners, sweet and savoury
  • It's amazingly high in protein which is very important if you body craves it like mine does
  • It is gluten free
  • It is a seed, not a grain which is significant in that it is easier to digest than many grains
  • It has a low glycaemic (GI)
  • It is high in dietary fibre
  • It is very easy to cook! Bring it to the boil, leave the lid on and do the ironing for 12-15 minutes (or mow the lawn, you get my drift). No brainer.

That's it for today's quinoa tutorial, it's time to share this super simple quinoa porridge recipe that's guaranteed to warm the cockles of hearts AND tummies.

You'll need:
1 cup quinoa (well rinsed through running water in a sieve)
1 1/2 cups almond milk (or milk of choice), for an extra decadent breakfast use half coconut milk/half milk of choice 
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 tablespoon maple syrup, raw honey or stevia to taste

Optional toppings:
1 heaped teaspoon goji berries
1 heaped teaspoon hemp seeds
1 heaped teaspoon chopped pistachios and macadamias
1 heaped teaspoon white mulberries
A dollop of full fat greek yoghurt or coconut yoghurt

Place quinoa and milk in a small saucepan and bring to a gentle boil with the lid on. Once boiling turn the heat down to a simmer and add the cinnamon and sweetener of choice. Simmer for 12 minutes or until the liquid is absorbed and the germ turns opaque. Do a quick taste test - it should still have a slight chew.

Leave to rest with the lid on for a couple of minutes.

Fluff up the quinoa with a fork and spoon into two bowls.  Sprinkle with the (optional) ingredients above and enjoy!

Just saying: Quinoa freezes really well once cooked. Make a big batch and freeze in portions for easy midweek breakfasts.

Amy Crawford
Tagged: MORNING Quinoa

Made by Amy

simple = good