Basil pesto

Pesto is fantastic to have on hand. Full of flavour it makes the world of difference to a simple meal. This version is so easy to whip up at a moments notice and will fill your kitchen with the pungent aromas of basil and garlic. Love the creaminess that the nuts add. A perfect addition to a gluten free pizza crust, or our Tomato, Pesto & Goats Cheese Baked Egg.

You'll need:
1 1/2 cups basil leaves
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup pine nuts or cashews
1 garlic clove
A good pinch Himalayan or Celtic sea Salt

Throw the basil, nuts, garlic and salt into a small blender and blend until well combined. Slowly add the olive oil until smooth. Time to taste test. You may need to add a little more oil and salt.

If not using the pesto immediately, pour into an airtight jar and cover with olive oil. The pesto should keep for approximately 5 days.

Recipe tip! This pesto can also be frozen for use at a later date. Another great idea is to fill an ice cube tray so you can simply pop small amounts out as you need them. Great to have on hand for when guests drop in last minute.

Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

simple = good