Five quick and easy midweek dinners

Yesterday I had crunchy peanut butter with fresh tomato and salt and pepper on toast. For dinner. (Seriously, don't knock it 'til you try it. It's a sensation). Now this wouldn't be anything too out of the ordinary if it wasn't for the fact that the week prior it was peanut butter and banana on toast, and a few days earlier, muesli. All for dinner.

Fact of the matter is that I've kinda lost my cooking mojo and it's time to get it back.

I dare say your hard working mums and dads feel it worse. You've got other mouths to feed and little immune systems to support; peanut butter on toast doesn't cut it for kids too often now does it. Today I thought I'd gather some easy midweek dinners to inspire those of us who need to get back into the kitchen and make healthy meal preparation a priority again. 

Herewith 5 of my easiest recipes. 

1. Ten minute spicy chicken strips. 

See photo above. The name says it all. Ten minutes. And if you cut the strips even smaller you'll bake it in less. The best thing about this dish is that it can take LOADS of spice so if you're a full bodied flavour family, knock your socks off.

2. The easiest Sweet Potato Pie

Let's be honest, if you've put the time aside to make this on a Sunday this becomes one of the easiest mid week dinners going around. 

Five quick and easy midweek dinners

 3. Crispy Skinned Salmon with Strawberry Pistachio Basil Salsa.

If you can fry fish and chop strawberries you'll nail this one so fast you'll be wondering what on earth to do with the rest of your night. Make it, it's surprisingly delicious. 

Crispy skinned salmon with strawberry salsa

4. Crispy Salt and Pepper Tofu with Turmeric

I can't tell you the number of people in my social media communities who have popped their hands up to say HOLY MOLY THIS IS GOOD (or words to that effect). I'm not a big tofu eater, personally I think it better in moderation, but let me tell you this scratches my 'need something fried and naughtyish' itch.

Cripsy salt and pepper tofu with turmeric

5. Roast Vegetable Frittata. 

Trusty eggs at it again, all over the world, bringing ease and deliciousness to dinner tables abound. You just can't go wrong. Unless you're egg intolerant of course. 

Five quick and easy midweek dinners

So of you go, go cook up a very swift storm and if you get through one or all of these recipes please report back to let me know how you enjoy them.

In the interim, do you have a favourite go to recipe to knock up mid week when you know your body needs some goodness, but you really can't be bothered? 

Amy Crawford
Tagged: SUNSET

Made by Amy

simple = good