Mexican pumpkin soup with rice

Recently, after what has felt like a monumentally challenging time, I took myself to my nutritionist/naturopath to seek some help for my flagging energy and sad adrenals. Challenge after challenge coupled with consistently inflated stress levels lead me to the point of not being at the capacity to do all the things I wanted to be doing. So, in matters such as this we call in an expert! 

My nutritionist's first bit of advice was to work at grounding myself in every way that I can. Get out into nature, get my feet into grass, go within, meditate, restore in solitude (not everyone's cup of tea but my goodness is it mine), and eat grounding and warming foods. Foods that are slow cooked are ideal, but ideally foods at least at room temperature. Smoothies she said were ok, but to exclude the ice. Warming spices such as cardamom, ginger, cinnamon and licorice should be included where ever possible.

Which leads me to today's recipe, Mexican Pumpkin Soup with Rice. I think my nutritionist would be proud of me, yes? There is something so comforting about pumpkin soup as we head into the cooler weather and the darker days, isn't there? This recipe has extra spices, rice and chilli oil on top to give it more punch and, to make it more of a complete meal.

Whether or not you need grounding like me, I hope you love it.

4 generous serves
(double ingredients and freeze portions for 6 months)

2 small butternut pumpkins (chopped into chunks)
2 tablespoons olive oil
sea salt
1 onion
3-inch piece fresh ginger (grated)
700 ml stock of choice (I used vegetable to keep it vegan)
½ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
2 cups cooked basmati rice
Chilli oil (to serve)
Lime (to serve)
Coriander (to serve)

Set oven to 180*.

Line a large baking tray with baking paper.

Bake pumpkin for 30 mins.

Meanwhile, fry the onion in olive oil for 10 mins until soft. Add ginger and continue to cook for 1 minute.

Add stock, cayenne, a good pinch of sea salt and cooked pumpkin to the pot.

Stir over medium heat for 10 mins while breaking up the pumpkin with a wooden spoon (if you like a smooth soup, give it a quick blend with a hand blender).

Sir in the cooked rice until heated through.

Serve with lime wedges, coriander and a drizzle of chilli oil on top.


Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

simple = good