Millet mushroom risotto

Never was there a bowl more desperate for a fork.

Say hello to the most delicious looking creation I've seen in awhile (and I can say that safely, in light of the fact it's not MY creation). This glorious bowl of millet and mushroom risotto was created by Zara D'Cotta.

Before we crack on into the details of this taste bud explosion, let's share a word on the second hero of this dish - the ancient grain, millet. I have it on good authority that millet has not previously been mentioned on this site - a terrible oversight on my behalf.

What's good to know about millet? 

Millet is an ancient grain that has become for many, a logical alternative to wheat. Gluten free, it's flour is hugely popular as a great addition to bread making, producing light and fluffy loaves. It is a digestible and versatile grain that is often used to make porridge, muffins, flatbread or as a side dish in replacement of potato or rice. 

Nutritionally millet is high in fibre, iron, B Vitamins and magnesium. Combined with the awesome power of miso and the abundant supply of wintery mushrooms you see below and you have a highly nutritious feast! 

(For these beautiful photos, full credit goes to the clever stylist, Carlie Monasso and photographer, Samara Clifford.)

Millet mushroom risotto

You will need:
1 cup organic millet, soaked overnight*
1 small brown onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 cup pine mushrooms** (approximately 100g), sliced
1 cup swiss button mushrooms** (approximately 100g), sliced
80g enoki mushrooms**
2 tablespoons organic cold pressed sesame oil (or extra virgin olive oil, or butter)
2 tablespoons unpasteurised white miso paste*** (sold in fridge)
3 cups vegetable stock 

Garnish/to accompany:
Pine nuts, toasted
Labneh (or nut cheese for a dairy free alternative)
Cooked silverbeet

In a saucepan add your millet and vegetable stock. Bring to the boil and simmer on a low heat until it has absorbed the water and is light and fluffy (cooking time will vary depending on how long you’ve soaked it for but it is likely to take around 10 minutes).

Next, heat the sesame oil in a frying pan and cook the onion and garlic until translucent. Add the mushrooms, stirring to cook. Add the millet and the miso paste stirring for a further minute or so.

Serve in bowls, sprinkle with pine nuts and a dollop of labneh.

* Any variety and combination of mushrooms will do
** Soaking your grains before you cook them makes it easier for your body to digest and absorb the nutrients
*** Buy unpasteurised miso paste because pasteurising kills the microbes which contain the health benefits. Stir it into the dish at the end to preserve the live cultures.


So if this recipe tickled your fancy and you consider yourself quite the mushroom fanatic, make sure you try my Porcini Mushroom and Kale Buckwheat Risotto too. Ok so throw your inspo at me folks. I'm a millet novice and I'd love to hear how you are enjoying this wondrous grain! 

Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

simple = good