Spicy Roast Chickpeas

Spicy roasted chickpeas are such a delicious and healthy snack - full of protein and fibre, they can be eaten on the run or tossed on salads and soups. It's worth doubling or tripling this recipe and storing them in an air tight jar. I'd recommend gently reheating them to crisp them up when you need them.

They are also super easy to make - though if you're new to the roasted chickpea it's definitely worth being aware of the following simple steps:

  • Make sure your chickpeas are super dry before you roast them. If canned, drain and rinse them and then pat them down well with paper towel. You may even do this the night before and leave them in the fridge overnight. the drier the better - for maximum crunch! 
  • Drizzle your olive on first so your spices adhere to the peas - I actually forgot to do that here and you can see how much spice is left in the pan!
  • The goal is to bake them until they are super crunchy on the inside AND out - they shouldn't be soft in the middle when you're done. 
  • You can add much more salt than you think - they take (and I think need) quite a bit.

Spicy roast chickpeas

1 x 420g can chickpeas, rinsed and dried very well
1 dessertspoon olive oil
2 teaspoons smoked paprika
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
A couple of good pinches of sea salt

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees celsius. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

In a bowl, drizzle the olive oil onto your chickpeas and coat well. 

Add the spices and stir, making sure they are well coated.

Roast for 35 minutes, pulling them out half way to give them a stir. Again, they should be super crunchy, so don't hesitate to leave them in for a few minutes longer if necessary. 

Top on soups, salads or eat out of your hand for a healthy afternoon snack. Enjoy! 

Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

simple = good