Further to my Institute of Integrative Nutrition post last week - I am the bearer of good news!  To celebrate Memorial Day, Integrative Nutrition is offering a chance to save on the cost of enrollment if you enroll between Tuesday, May 21st (Memorial Day in the States) and Monday, May 27th. You’ll be able to save $500 + an additional $500 if you pay in full. That's a hefty $1000 discount, which I recall is the discount I received also.

The next class begins in July and this is the perfect time to enroll because you’ll be able to get started on your materials and get to know the community before the course begins, so you’ll be ahead of the curve. This is a  rare opportunity since many of you may have noticed that IIN has greatly reduced the frequency of these savings offers.  Give them a call (887) 733 1520 and have a chat, they will call you back where ever you reside in the world. Please let them know I referred you! You can also send them an email: Coachblair@integrativenutrition.com

If you haven't yet read my post regarding my experiences with IIN, please have a read here.

Get your joggers on guys, I dare say this offer will be snapped up by many.

Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

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