Makes: 2 small servings

So guys this recipe can me made any day of the week - it doesn't have to be saved for the weekend. It is so quick and easy it's ridiculous - but feel free to make it the night before if you're an organised sort. I'd suggest doubling or tripling the quantity so you've got it for a few days. Note the lemon and coconut theme of late...I promise I'll move on eventually.

You'll need:
1 tbspn LSA or ground flaxseed
1 tbspn shredded coconut
2 tbspn natural yoghurt
50g ricotta
120g coconut water (or milk of choice)
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 tbspn grated lemon rind (less if you are not quite the lemon addict)
1 tbspn lemon juice
1 dsrt spoon macca powder (optional)

Coconut flakes
CoYo or yoghurt
Grated lemon rind (optional)

Throw all of the above in a high powered blender for a minute or two. I needed to stop midway and scrape down the sides - it is really thick. If you need to add more liquid to get it moving do so, it will thicken up with the chia anyway. Leave it for a few minutes to let the chia soften and thicken up. Scoop into a bowl and top with some more natural yoghurt or in my case, CoYo. Sprinkle with coconut flakes and extra lemon rind. Grab a spoon and dig in!

Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

simple = good