Serves 1.

It's rare when I cook quinoa that I only cook enough for one meal - quinoa is so versatile it's worth having ready to go in the fridge for a last minute salad, a porridge, a cake or....a hot cake! As I've mentioned before it freezes really well too (just pop it into serving size portions straight into the freezer). This terribly simple recipe takes 2 minutes to prep and about 6 to cook and it's hard to go wrong. Experiment with different flavour additions such as orange rind instead of lemon, raw cacao for delectable chocolate hot cakes or cook them in coconut milk and simply run with the gorgeous coconutty flavour. 

For this particular recipe I used quinoa that had been cooked in almond milk. Do know it'd be just as good if cooked in coconut milk (or a combination of coconut milk and water), milk or simply water. 

You will need: 

1/2 cup cooked quinoa 
1 egg
1 tablespoon quinoa flour, or flour of choice
2 teaspoons rice malt syrup (or sweetener of choice, to taste)
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 heaped teaspoon grated lemon rind
A good pinch of vanilla powder (or essence)
pinch of salt
2 teaspoons coconut oil (for the pan)

In a small bowl, combine all above ingredients, bar coconut oil. Pop your frying pan onto the stove on medium heat. When hot, add your coconut oil. Spoon in your hot cakes, it should make 2-3. Cook for 3-4 minutes on one side or until golden. Using a spatula, very carefully turn them over. Be warned! I have had a couple of casualties in this process but it'll make no difference to the flavour if you have a few halves on your plate!

Top with whatever tickles your fancy. I love my greek yoghurt so it's a no brainer for me. I also drizzled these with a little extra rice malt syrup and lemon rind.

For more quinoa inspired hot cakes and other scrumptious quinoa recipes head to my eBook, A Nourishing Kitchen.

What's your favourite way to eat quinoa for breakfast? We'd love to hear of your scrumptious variations! 

Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

simple = good