Using water in cooking and food preparation certainly is a daily occurrence, but have you ever paused to take stock of the flavour that the water in your food imparts? Do you think of water as a significant ingredient in your dishes, or merely a side note, an item added to dilute, hydrate or wash?
As you know we are huge supporters of the consumption of filtered water here at THI - have a read of our recent post highlighting the many benefits filtered water can offer here. So today we took on another challenge set for us by Nuffnang and BRITA Water, and bring to you a beautifully simple recipe that allows good quality filtered water to shine.
And shine it did! This granita is the utmost in refreshment. Tart pink grapefruit and sweet apple paired with smooth crisp filtered water and balanced with a hint of mint. Pink Grapefruit, Apple & Mint Granita. This dish would be amazing topped with seasonal fruits and a dollop of coconut yoghurt for a mid summer breakfast, or served as a pre-dinner palate cleanser.
Do mix it up; don't just play by our rules folks! We have given you the base for an amazing filtered water recipe, go forth and experiment. Perhaps you don't like grapefruit? Why not try blood orange? Watermelon would work well in place of apple too. So without further ado, please find below our first ever recipe created with filtered water as a specific ingredient in mind. Go get this hydrating life force into you!
Pink Grapefruit, Apple & Mint Granita
Serves 2
2 pink grapefruits
1 apple
1 large handful mint
1/3 cup filtered water, lukewarm
1 tablespoon rice malt syrup (or to taste)
Dissolve rice malt syrup in lukewarm filtered water in a medium bowl. Juice the grapefruit, apple and mint. Transfer the juice to the bowl and stir to combine. Pour into a 20cm x 30xm shallow metal tray and place into the freezer for 4-5 hours, occasionally scraping with a fork to form crystals (thus preventing it from freezing into an ice block). To serve, divide between glassware and top with seasonal fruits and good quality natural or coconut yoghurt.
Gary Mehigan has worked with BRITA Water to whip up some great water based dishes. If you’re looking for further inspiration as summer approaches, you can find his exclusive recipes here.