Mango Raspberry Chia Pudding

During the week I was very lucky to receive an entire tray of Kensington Pride mangoes. Now what is a girl to do but devour them in all sorts of delicious ways! The first thing I did was dust off my dehydrator (it's been unused for probably 4 years, dare I say) and made dried mango strips for my tropical maple granola. If you've not yet made that recipe, can I suggest you hop to it. 

Next I decided to mix up my standard breakfast routine, and make this rather delicious Mango Raspberry Chia Pudding. Now anyone can make a chia pudding, so if you're getting a bit ho-hum on the breakfast front, run to the kitchen and get this little lady in the fridge (she needs overnight to get 'ready' for you).

Oh and, a note on the benefits of this breakfast! Think hormone balancing (maca), skin loving (collagen) gut loving (chia, collagen) and EASE.

Recipe can be made without marine collagen, but see note below.*

Mango Raspberry Chia Pudding

2 small servings

1 large mango
1.5 cups coconut milk
3 tablespoons chia seeds
1 teaspoon Maca powder
2 heaped teaspoons raspberry flavoured marine collagen*
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
Sweetener to taste (though I didn't add any)*
Toasted coconut or almond flakes (optional)

*If you've not got my raspberry marine collagen, but you have my unflavoured marine collagen, you may want to add some sweetener. Same applies if you decide not to use either collagen. Just know, the mango adds a lot of sweetness so I'd be inclined not too.

In a bowl stir together milk, chia seeds, maca powder, vanilla and marine collagen. Let sit for 5-10 minutes then stir again in case any lumps have formed. Pop into the fridge for minimum one hour, preferably overnight. 

Whilst the chia is in the fridge, and before you're ready to eat, blend your large mango. When it's time to eat layer the chia with your mango. Top with toasted coconut flakes or almonds for crunch and devour with abandon! 

Whilst I have you, if you'd like to try some more delicious breakfast recipes, how about this lemon blueberry breakfast cake or this maca and peanut butter overnight oats!

Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

simple = good