Q: What is a bee's favourite part of a relationship?
A: The Honeymoon period.

(Said the bee to the Queen Bee) Dear Honey,

That's it! The honeymoon period is over! I've seriously had it - your saccharin sweet snob-bee Queen attitude is annoying the bee-jeesus out of me! I am on strike! I've packed my bags and I am buzzing off. My yellow coat is on and I'm making a bee-line for WA (if you care!) where the very best pollen for bees is kept. You see, Western Australia is where low pollution and a diverse range of flowers means the pollen is more nutritionally complete and isn't contaminated by hazardous chemicals. I'll bee heading for the bee-gonias in Gidgeganup first (they are the best).

Queen, when I return we shall have a serious conversation, you should also know that the working bees would like to discuss their working flowers (hours**).

And for Pete's (and the rest of the working bees) sake, while I'm gone, bee-have yourself!


P.S. We're surrounded by wax... would it kill you to use it on your legs?! 

Ok, so now we'll stop giggling and get to the real point of this post shall we? :-)

Bee Pollen. What is it?

Bee pollen, which is sold in natural granule form, is considered a very beneficial and nutritionally complete food. It is made when bees collect and naturally process the stamen from wild flowers, bringing it back to the hive where it is collected and packed, sealing in the goodness for human consumption.

Why is it good for you?

The buzz around bee pollen is warranted. Rich in vitamins (A, C, D, E and K), minerals (zinc, iron), antioxidants and protein, amongst many other important building blocks of a healthy diet.
More specifically,

- Bee Pollen is extremely high in antioxidants.
Antioxidants neutralise free radicals in the body caused by oxidation.

A research article published in Food Chemistry analysed a whole range of different pollens for antioxidants. The researchers concluded that "the antioxidative capacity of bee pollen was very high" (Leja, et al. 2007).

- Bee pollen fosters brain health.
Used for centuries to rejuvenate the brain and help with concentration and memory, scientists believe that many neurological issues are due to inflammation can be benefited by bee pollen. 

A study conducted in 2012 by the Ohio State University found that Bee Pollen could be used to treat neurological diseases due to being extremely high in flavonoids and due to its anti-inflammatory properties (Farooqui & Farooqui. 2012).

A note on hay fever and allergies.
Some people take Bee Pollen to reduce the severity of hay fever. This is best done by beginning to take Bee Pollen for 6 weeks before Spring begins.

If you have allergies to bees it is important to note that if you have sensitivity to bees or bee byproducts, or suffer from severe allergies, you should talk to a doctor before incorporating bee pollen into your diet.

How to eat it.

Try blending a tablespoon of bee pollen into smoothies, sprinkle it on mueslis or as a stand alone snack (mixed with nuts and seeds is nice). Bee pollen is also available in capsule form. 

Where to buy it.

Forest Superfoods stocks bee pollen sourced from Western Australia, it really is important to know where your superfoods are coming from. You can purchase bee pollen and a range of other superfoods online here. The markets and your local health food store would also be a good port of call.



Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

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