Whipped Body Butter Recipe

I find making my own skin and face products so very satisfying, I guess because I know exactly what is going in them and just how nourishing they are. They also make the most beautiful and thoughtful gifts for friends, male or female. Why not pair them with some DIY bath salts for the ultimate housewarming gift? This recipe can be easily customised too, according to the fragrance you prefer. 

The combination of oils in this butter creates a beautifully nourishing and moisturising body butter that absorbs quickly into your skin without leaving it feeling super oily. 

You needn't necessarily follow my lead with this selection of essential oils either, you might prefer a minty body butter, or perhaps you're more the lavender/floral type. Either way, follow my lead with the basic recipe and you'll be oohing and aahing following your next shower, I promise! 

Whipped Body Butter

Makes approximately 2 cups.

1 cup coconut oil
1 cup shea butter
1 cup cacao butter
3 tablespoons jojoba oil (olive, almond or macadamia oil are also good choices)
2 tablespoons magnesium oil (optional)
60 drops 100% pure essential oils*, I used:
30 drops sandalwood
15 drops wild orange**
15 drops Frankincense
2 drops cinnamon bark

Fill a small saucepan with water until approximately 1/4 full. Put it onto your stove and bring to a simmer.  

Meanwhile, measure out the hard oils (likely coconut, cacao and shea). Just do the best you can with your cup measure (close enough is near enough for this recipe!). Put these oils into a glass jug or jar and then into the simmering water in the saucepan, allowing them to melt gently, stirring on occasion. It may take 15 or so minutes to melt.

As soon as all the oils have melted remove from the heat and, if quite hot, allow to cool for 5-10 minutes before adding in the rest of your oils, including the essential oils. Combine well and place in the freezer for 20-30 minutes or until it is of soft butter consistency. Don't get impatient here otherwise you'll be putting it back in when it doesn't whip as it should. I choose to stir mine a couple of times during that time so that it doesn't simply harden around the edges. 

Remove from the freezer and using a hand beater, beat until it holds it's shape/soft peaks form. You will know you are on the right path when it changes to a pale colour. In the absence of a hand beater you can use a whisk, though be warned you'll need energy and elbow grease because it's pretty firm to start with.. 

If the mixture won't hold it's shape or it keeps melting, it simply means it isn't chilled enough so pop it back into the freezer and try again.

Once whipped, put your mixture into glass jars. If you have trouble doing this without making a mess of the outside of your jars, consider popping the whole lot in a zip lock back and cutting a corner of the bag to squeeze out the contents neatly. 

Store the body butter in a cool place. If it loses it's shape simply whip back to it's usual consistency. Know that in winter it will be quite firm, the opposite in summer.

 Whipped Body Butter with Essential Oils

* A note on where to buy therapeutic grade essential oils.

My essential oil of choice are the doTERRA certified pure therapeutic grade oils; they have a reputation for being the safest, purest and most beneficial oils on the market. You will of course find many different essential oils  - just be very sure they are 100% pure before putting them anywhere near your skin.

** citrus essential oils can cause photosensitivity so it's best to heavily dilute them or not to apply this cream directly before exposure to the sun - this particular recipe is a goodie for winter in my opinion! 

Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

be your truth