Banana icecream marine collagen

Finally, some beautiful summery sunshine to inspire us to eat some delicious and healthy ice cream! This Banana Ice Cream recipe is a simple recipe I fell in love with a decade ago. You can enjoy all sorts of variations so go nuts (literally).

I recall making this for my Dad. Passing him a bowl, I asked him what he believed was in the bowl. "Well, it's ice-cream." I replied that yes I suppose it is and asked him if he could pick an actual ingredient. He replied saying he thought there could be banana in there but wasn't sure. The point being, that this simple recipe will fool many as quite suprisingly it closely resembles soft serve.

Of course if you don't have any collagen in your pantry you can omit this step, it's just a great way to include it in your diet if you do! 

Banana icecream marine collagen

To prepare, make sure the banana is ripe (it should be sweet and soft) and has been in the freezer for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight. 

Serves 2.

1 large or 2 small ripe bananas, chopped and frozen
1 tablespoon marine collagen with hyaluronic acid

Additional options - raspberry flavoured marine collagen (this is delish), frozen mango, berries, crunchy peanut butter, almond butter, a pinch of salt..

In a blender or food processor place your ingredients.

Start pulsing the frozen banana - it will begin to look crumbly, then a bit gooey. You will need to stop your blender a few times to scrape down the sides. Keep persisting and hey presto! the magic will happen - your frozen banana will transform into something resembling soft-serve. If you're adding in peanut butter or similar this is a good time to do it - so you're only processing the ingredients for a short time and you retain some PB crunch.

If it's not too soft I personally find it best to enjoy it immediately, but if it has softened too much, pop it back into the freezer to harden. On this, banana as you know will discolour in the freezer so I don't recommend making this too much in advance.

Serve straight up, or top with whatever you desire. For inspiration try a drizzle of honey, toasted nuts, cinnamon, a spoonful of nut butter.. 


Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

simple = good