What you think, say, or feel becomes your reality.
Affirmations are short, powerful, yet simple statements designed to manifest a specific goal. They are beautifully positive words said in present tense, repeated often with a sense of real feeling and connection (we'll be speaking more about this on the blog next week). Positive thinking affirmations are designed to encourage a life filled with positivity and gratitude.
A daily morning affirmation can be as simple as "I am healthy", or throughout the day "Money comes easily and effortlessly". Nailing this art of positive thinking can and will have a huge impact on your life.
Affirmations are you being in conscious control of your thoughts. When you say them or think them, or even hear these statements, they become the thoughts that build your reality. Affirmations then, are your conscious thoughts.
Research has shown that we have between 45 - 50 thousand thoughts per day. That’s about 150 to 300 thoughts per minute. Your mind darts in so many directions on many different topics. What if I asked you, could you identify whether your thoughts had a positive or negative undertone?
Change your thoughts and you change your world" - Norman Vincent Peale.
In my reading I have learnt that for most of the population, a worrisome stat prevails. For most people 80% of their thoughts are negative. But let's look at this in a more positive light. If you are in fact holding negative thoughts and fears about the lack of abundance in your life, be it love, money, friendships etc you are in actual fact manifesting the very things you lack. I see this every day in my CTC therapy practise - those who fear never having enough money, never have enough! Those who believe they have always slept badly and always will, always will. Those who believe they get to a certain weight and get 'stuck' every time, believe that to be their truth - and so it becomes their reality. Yet, if we simply change the way we see things, the very things we see change. It's simply about learning to flip these thoughts around, to start manifesting what we actually DO want.
Could this be you? Is it time to rewire your brain?
Many of these thoughts are subconscious, they've become so ingrained in our energy sphere. It's important that we understand however, that the culmination of such negativity below the surface is damaging to our mental and physical health. Have you ever stopped to consider this: negative thoughts and fears are like acid to our bodies (much like guzzling Coca Cola or packets of processed chips); positive thoughts are like alkaline (much like filling our bodies with fresh produce). I know that my thought patterns played a huge part in making me very sick - the more I feared, the more overwhelmed I became and the more frequently I would crash (and so the cycle continued).
Affirmations serve to bring your sub conscious thoughts to the surface, making you aware of them and how you are feeling. In doing so you can become aware of any negative thoughts that are just waiting to take over and learn to replace them with positive thoughts.

To affirm means to say something positively.
A daily affirmation practice can bring your goals, both long and short term, to the forefront of your mind. In doing so, you are more likely to address and then achieve them. It's about being conscious and present in your life. In our day, where we can be so busy, it is so easy to just barrel on through. Affirmations serve as a moment to pause, take stock and reflect on what it is we actually want - to ensure we get there! Personally I found that by maintaining an affirmation practise I became more and more aware of synchronicity in my life - this alone motivates me to continue the practise.
Much research has also linked affirmations to health. In a study involving 756 participants, and published online in the January 23 edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine, it was found that positive thoughts and health affirmations can create true health transformation.
So, where to from here? Let's have some fun!
At the conclusion of each of my CTC sessions I share many tips and tools to help my clients manifest the life they want, to help them find and live their greatness. I set some simple yet very effective homework which includes the daily reading of affirmations (which I provide).
Exciting news!
I am going to write inspirational affirmations on request for YOU, daily affirmations that will help you in your daily lives.
So I ask you now, what is it that you want to achieve? An overall sense of positivity and well being? Or something more specific? Abundance in the form of money? A loving partner?
Let me know in the comments below and I will personally write and share a bundle of inspirational affirmations to address your individual aspirations on the blog next week. **Update! You can now find these personalised affirmations here!
http://naturalsociety.com/positive-thoughts-affirmations-shown-to-boost-overall-health/#ixzz3YaEbVzd7 http://www.thehappiempire.com/2013/08/3-mega-benefits-of-positive-affirmations-plus-7-affirmations-to-try-out/