Makes: 4 Heaped Cups

I'm a little bit excited because next week I am having a holiday - I'm off to my family holiday home at Freycinet Peninsula in Tasmania. During my CFS journey I lived there for 3 months over summer and it was without a doubt one of the turning points in my recovery. The little town, Coles Bay, has a population of approximately 350 and is the most wonderful place to visit if you are after a little (or a lot) of stillness during your stay. I'm taking my new food-focussed camera with me and am planning on showing it some life outside of my kitchen - be prepared for a couple of Tasmanian promo posts!  Actually, why don't I give you a little taste of this destination's incredibly pristine beauty right now. Here we have it:

Pictured above: the amazing Coles Bay, Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania (photo courtesy of my sister in law, Amelia Crawford).

I digress. As part of my eagerness for this holiday I have prepared some home made (almost) raw muesli to accompany me. One must travel to relatively remote places well prepared - I can assure you there will not be a goji berry in sight, and most certainly no maca powder. Best I get organised. I love this muesli for a number of reasons  - it's grain free, gluten free, additive free and sugar free (bar the berries and figs of course). It's also full of crunch and lots of nutrient rich ingredients that sustain me for hours. If however I was in for a busy day of activity I would probably choose a higher protein breakfast (such as my Sweet Omelette) but this muesli gives me some variety for the odd occasion.

1.5 cups puffed quinoa (hence the 'almost' raw)
1 heaped cup activated mixed nuts, roughly chopped (or leave whole for ultimate crunch factor)
1/2 cup coconut flakes
1/4 cup goji berries
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup cacao nibs
1/3 cup dried organic figs, roughly chopped (or organic dried fruit of choice, dates would be ACE)
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
1 heaped teaspoon ground cinnamon

Combine in a bowl and store in an air tight container.

Note: the first time I made this muesli I added a couple of heaped teaspoons of maca powder and whilst it tasted fantastic, it looked pretty average because my multi coloured muesli had been covered in dust - not photo friendly! If you're not planning on taking photos of your muesli definitely consider the addition. 

Amy Crawford

Made by Amy

simple = good